Tag Archives: what to do when your fast is over? lbs

Eating: A New Challenge

Good Morning!

I have received so many emails and FB messages wanting more from me. I now have been back from Florida for a week now and it’s time to give in to your addiction to me 😉

Please note, that I have felt that I have nothing more to share with you, that I am done fasting and eating normal so what’s left? What’s left only every meal and snack of the day! I have missed all of you and our support system we have going on. So today I am starting a new challenge!

Eating: A New Challenge

Eating….fasting was so much easier! No good or bad choices to make, no wondering is this good enough, should I be eating more protein, less fats, more fruits, etc. AHHH! It’s a daunting task but I enjoy it and hey, we do need to eat!

So I will be taking photo of everything I put into my mouth! OK, food that is…….Haven’t decided how I’m going to post, if it will be at the end of the day or throughout the day! Trial and error is the way it’s going to be. I will also be posting recipes and such to go along with them. If you have any other suggestions, wants or needs please let me know! This is starting Monday!

I have a ton of work to do as I am putting our house on the Market Monday and my photographer is coming tomorrow to take pictures. Lots, LOTS! to do!

I have gained 15lbs back since my fast ended which is right about where I thought I would be. I still look and feel great. I have not gone back on my depression medication and have felt no need for it. I am planning another fast in July, maybe a two week fast? I have not started working out on a daily basis as I thought I would have started by now….No excuses, I am lazy! It’s really hard getting back in the routine of working out. Going to the gym at 5 am to get your ass kicked….sounds awesome right?

I did make up my salad mason jars though…they were yummy. I bought regular mouth mason jars and not widemouth, so I have to dump-out the salad into a bowl to eat it, silly me!20120224-094330.jpg

Also, I wanted to share with all of you my main website Amazingg Acres Here you can find my fasting diaries, my home for sale and other DIY projects. I hope you enjoy and follow it!


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Posted by on February 24, 2012 in Doing What It Takes!


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