Monthly Archives: January 2012

I Made It 30 Days!

Day 30!

January 31, 2012

I made it! I rock! I’m ready to eat!

What an awesome experience, 30 days without eating…I don’t even believe it and I DID it! 🙂  I am in shock, truly; it’s hard to believe that I did this.  If I can do this I can do anything.

Takara tonight, clear soup…I can already taste it.

I will be showing before and after pictures but will say this now and tomorrow.

I am showing you my pictures because I have so many great followers and I know I have firsthand inspired so many people to cleanse their bodies, pray or just do something they thought they couldn’t do.  Many associate fasting with anorexia and I am NOT promoting that.  Fasting and anorexia are two different things and involve so much more than NOT eating.  Many don’t show before and after picture for this reason alone.  I do not want to inspire anyone to start or continue being anorexic.

I will say this again tomorrow to as it concerns me.

I will post after my clear soup!  It won’t be until late, 9 or so.

So hang in there and have an amazing day!

Ugh! My clear soup was amazing!  It was better than I remember.  Plus I had sushi to, WOW! I sure was missing out on good eats.

I tried the ginger dressing that was sweet, wasabi, I could go without that.  I did get a small (big) bit of wasabi on my chopstick and right on the tip of my tongue it went, then down went the water. J That was HOT!  I did get video which I will post tomorrow along with my before and after.

Thank you all for keeping me motivated! 

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Posted by on January 31, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


Day 29

Day 29

January 30, 2012

Good Evening!

I had an awesome day at work today.  A few salt cravings and but nothing a little water couldn’t cure.  Tomorrows the BIG day!  Can’t wait!  Clear soup here I come! 🙂  I will take pictures.

I will also give you before and after pictures.  Wednesday I plan on doing my first workout and giving you a peak into what I’ll be doing. I am excited for that.

To tell you all again, I will be eating well in FL, but not on my “diet” or lifestyle change/new food menu.  I will make good choices, but will have desserts and I’m sure a glass of wine or two.  I am going on vacation so I am going to act like I’m on vacation.  I will tell you what I am eating though.  Just to keep me on track and you posted.  I will start my food menu when I return.  I do in fact plan to workout though!  This is a great thing 🙂


I forgot to tell you that I had my blood pressure checked yesterday and it was great!  I have always had great blood pressure and it hasn’t changed!  Whoo hoo for ME!


Posted by on January 30, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 28

Day 28

January 29, 2012


So this morning consisted of cleaning and cooking.  I made an awesome breakfast and lots of bacon to freeze.  I plan on making a waffle sandwich this week that has bacon in it.

I made my cheese Friday night and I over cooked it so it’s not so edible.  I will try again this week.  I am also making homemade chicken noodle soup and am going to try to make pan fried rice noodles.  We’ll see how that works 😉

I plan on going to Takara Tuesday night for soup.  Hopefully it’ll settle with my stomach.

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Posted by on January 29, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


Day 27

Day 27                                                                                                                                                                                  

January 28, 2012


Sorry I didn’t post yesterday.  I was super busy!  It was an emotional day yesterday.  Some of my family was packing up my great Grandparents house.  We had to take everything down, pictures, knick knacks, etc.  Everything went into boxes and down in the basement.

Normally I am ok with death and change, but yesterday was a different story.  I cried all the way there and cried a lot during the packing.  I didn’t pack much, just couldn’t do it emotionally.  Normally I eat and such and then I feel nothing, well full and guilt.  But seeing as I couldn’t do that I just cried.  That’s all I could do.  So it was a very emotional day.  I did get through it though.

Then we had a party and that was a lot of fun!  I didn’t get home until late and was waay too tired to write.

So I have been ready to eat and am craving saltines, crackers, salty soups.  So my sister gave me some salt tablets and I took one yesterday and that really helped.  I must de deficient in salt.

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Posted by on January 29, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


Day 26

Day 26

Happy Friday!

I love weekends, but who doesn’t?  It has been a great day so far! I plan on making my cheese tonight, I am so pumped.  It should stay good long enough so I can try it.  I may try to freeze some and see how that works.  Homemade pizza is on the menu for Sunday night.

While fasting I’ve learned?

The biggest thing I have learned about myself is I have WILLPOWER!  I have never had (or thought I had) willpower and always gave in when it came to food.  I have not eaten for 26 days. I have lost 32 pounds and lost 4 dress sizes.  I have to be honest this was/is the best part so far about my fast.  Though I will gain at least 10lbs back, I plan to eat healthy and workout daily.  I will post my workout plan next Wednesday.

I have been a yo-yo dieter for many years.  I have been over weight for 6 years.  Off and on and off and on.  I lose the weight by working out and making good food choices then I get to my ideal weight or size of clothes I want to be in, then I am happy and am loving my body.  About a month or two later I just start to eat whatever I want and stop working out….and down the drain my good habits and gym going go and on come the pounds.  This has been going on since my son was born in 2006.

My hope after I fast is I stick with good and healthy daily habits.  It WILL be a struggle, but if I cannot eat for 26 days (as of today) then I CAN do anything!

I really want to eat!  BAD! Not sure what I am going to do.  I really want clear soup.  I’m hungry, but not like starving…It’s weird.  I’m not sure what is going on.  I feel good, but I just want to eat again.  I want salad and soups and eggs!  BIG SMILE!  I seriously don’t know what’s going on in my head!

I think I just need to go to bed….Maybe soup tomorrow?  Maybe not!

I feel like I have almost 3 more days left and I should just stick it out, but who am I sticking it out for?  This fast was not a challenge to make it to 30 Days, just to go as long as I could.  The point of the fast was/is to change the way I feel and think and eat food.

Oh what to do?  I’m still feeling good with energy, just want to eat NOW! J

I guess we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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Posted by on January 27, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


Day 25

Day 25

January 26, 2012

Good Morning! 

It’s going to be a great day in WI! I work today then will be having a busy night!  A great day to take the kids outside and play!  I’m looking forward to it.

Feeling great and getting a mindset to make the right decisions in a week.  Time has flown by, and I could go on for 10 more days.  I have decided that once a year I am going too fast for 30 days.  I’m thinking more towards Spring.  That always seems like a great time to cleanse.  I also thought it might be good to fast for a few days or week every other month or so.  These are just my thoughts.  I have not researched them to see if there are any negative effects.

I am still releasing toxins from my body and my breath still stinks.  My husband says it smells like Formaldehyde or something.  He’s the only one that really complains about it.  Maybe everyone else is just being nice 😉 My saliva is weird too.  It very bubbly, I feel like I have rabies and am foaming at the mouth.

On that note; have a fabulous day!

Today I kept super busy!  So this week I started chewing a piece of gum a day.  It helps with my breath.  It really is horrible. Yuck!  I didn’t feel very well today, I had energy just had a stomach ache felt like I was going to get sick.  I was bloated all day and gassy too.  That could be why I had a stomach ache.

I am craving saltine crackers.  The taste of the salt melting in my mouth; then the cracker turning to cream.  MMMMM. Damn I wish I had some saltines.

I am so ready to eat real food.  Even a salad with eggs and bacon.  Or some cheese.  Yeah, cheese!

Well I am off to dream about food!


Posted by on January 26, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 24

Day 24

January 25, 2012


Its unreal how sleeping makes you feel better.  I love sleeping!  I am definitely a morning person, so I most always wake up early, and I love going to bed early too.  From the moment I wake I am ready to go. I’m all smiles and filled with energy.

I am feeling 100% better than yesterday.  I think my massage really helped!  I may even get another one next week.  Sometimes putting yourself first isn’t so bad.  I am very bad at putting myself first.  But that’s a whole other conversation.  Today do something nice for yourself!

I had a conversation last night with a friend who was really concerned and scared that I am fasting.  She doesn’t understand why I am doing this and thinks it’s really unhealthy.   I tried to console her, to let her know that I am very in tune with my body and am constantly listening to it.  If today I am not feeling well and feel the need to juice I will.  I start everyday as a new day with no expectations.  I would love to make to Day 30, but if I don’t I don’t.  I still succeeded in my book.

She also mentioned asking a doctor about fasting, and I had to laugh!  Most doctors, are going to say fasting is unhealthy….they can’t make any money off fasting.  I have been on depression meds for years; they actually help with will power and food.  Since Day 5 of my fast I have not taken my meds!  This to me is a huge step.  I am feeling great and am not short any will power.  No headaches from not taking my meds.  Our bodies are just amazing how they work.  On a side note; I am still taking my thyroid meds.  I will get my levels checked after Florida and I will let you know what my doctor says.  Most likely she’ll lower my dose.

Have a wonderful Day! And remember, Do something nice for yourself today!

Instead of me watching swimming lessons for 30 min I decided to go in the hot tub for that time. I figured seeing as I got a massage yesterday the warm water would feel good.  And it did!  That was my something nice for me today.  My body is a bit sore from yesterday, kind of feel like I am bruised in a few places.  But that doesn’t surprise, since I started fasting I am bruising easier than normal.  After swimming we stayed for open swim. I love swimming and it’s a great workout! We had fun too!

Also, before swimming my sister stopped by and brought me sun flowers!  That was so nice of her and it made my day!

Crock-pot dinner tonight, chicken and rice. Yummy!  The rice was a bit too done though, it was good and even all the kids ate it.  It’s my Uncle birthday tomorrow or maybe it was today?  Either way I made some scrumptious cupcakes to take to him tomorrow.  Cream Cheese Chocolate Cupcakes from How About Orange  My husband and sister can’t stop talking about them.

6 days left and I am juicing!  Exciting stuff!  I can’t wait to get to the broths and soups.  I have learned to love soup and I am definitely going to go to Takara to get like a gallon of their clear soup.  It so yummy! I have tried to make it at home and have not succeeded yet.  If any of you have the recipe PLEASE share it!


See you on Day 25!


Posted by on January 25, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 23

January 24, 2012

This morning is a not so great morning.  Yesterday after shoveling snow I started to feel sick to my stomach again.  Almost like when you have the flu and you know you need to puke to feel better…..well sick I got.  It wasn’t so bad, but ick nonetheless.

Felt waaaay better afterwards but still took it slow all evening.  I sipped water instead of chugging it. Unfortunately, 2:30am came and I woke feeling bloated and sick.  Went to the bathroom and the toxins came undoubtedly came out.  I sat there for twenty minutes.

During those 20 min while the toxins were on their way out of my body, I started to get really HOT.  So hot you could almost see the steam rise off my body and sweat droplets started to form on my head and arms. Then I felt all the blood leave my face, I looked like a ghost.  It was freaky.  It was more than just the toxins leaving my body though.  I felt as if the devil was in my body and I was flushing him out.  That was the scary part.  I started to pray and I didn’t stop until I regained my strength and could get up.  I’m not going to lie, I was scared.  Really scared.

I have read some blogs where people feel like this and it’s not all energy and positive thoughts.  That there is pain and discomfort throughout their fast.  I am pretty lucky to have felt so good 90% of the time.

Hopefully I stay well today because I have twins that need my full attention! 😉

Well, the rest of the day got better, but I was pretty weak and tired.  I had a few dizzy spells and my stomach hurt most of the day.

I ended up getting a massage and I actually feel 100% better.  My stomach ache is gone and I’m not dizzy.  I didn’t drink very much water today, not even a gallon.  I felt like if I drank I would puke.  So I just stayed away.  After my massage I drank a pint of water and feel great.  Tomorrow should be a great day.  I’m hoping anyway!

So we leave for Florida a few days after my fast, so while down there I will be blogging and recording what I am eating.  I probably won’t be eating much or anything too big, but I am not putting any restrictions on my eating while down there.  I’m sure we will be going out to eat and I will make good choices.  So my two week eating plan will start the week we get back.  I just wanted to let you all know that.  I am really looking forward to the seafood down there.  I will definitely be going to the grocery store and getting fruits, greens and eggs, just to make sure I am consuming good protein and fiber.

I am off to dream land!  Sweet Dreams!

My massage therapist in Juliet from Loose Limbs Massage Therapy.  You can look up Loose Limbs on FB.  She did an awesome job!  I won’t be going anywhere else, ever!

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Posted by on January 24, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 22

Day 22

January 23, 2012

Good Morning!

Hope you all made it into work or school this morning. The roads are slick here in WI. Meal planning, exercise planning and packing for Florida today is on my agenda.

I am excited to share with you my meal plan. I think I am more excited that I have an eating plan than eating. :-)That will eventually change. I plan on training with my sister, she is a personal trainer, and so a few times a week she will be kicking my ass. I’m not so excited for that; but I do like working out.

I plan to workout today, maybe some yoga or just shoveling the ice off the driveway, something active at least. We may be going to play hockey tonight, so that should be interesting as well. Feeling awesome this morning.

I am ready to rock today and get everything done by 1pm. Let’s see if I can do that!

Have a great day!


Breakfast Choices:

                Steel Cut Oats w/flax seed ~raisons, cashews, walnuts, pecans, honey

Cottage Cheese with berries and sugar snap peas

Eggs 2-3 ~ hard boiled or poached

Lunch Choices:

                Spinach salad & hearts of romaine ~ egg, cheese, carrots, sugar snap peas, black olives, chicken, shrimp, imitation crab, sun flower seeds, cottage cheese, cucumbers

Chicken ~ in a wrap with spinach, veggies, cheese



                Spinach salad ~ see Lunch

Chicken, fish, seafood, eggs

Jasmine rice, brown rice, rice noodles, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes



Raw fruits and veggies, almonds, walnuts, pecans, etc.


Only water

Things To Avoid:

                Pastas, bread, sugar, chocolate, wine,

*with the exception of a tortilla, but I will try corn tortillas




Posted by on January 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


Day 21

Day 21

January 22, 2012

Good Morning!

I barely got my 7 hours of rest last night, didn’t get to sleep until after 12.  That’s the latest I’ve stayed up in a long time.  We had an awesome time at Pedros for my soon to be sister-in-law’s golden birthday.  She turned 22!  The chips were tempting; I love crunchy salty chips with cheese dip.  I could almost taste the salt on my tongue.

Next, we headed on over to my Aunts house for dinner and cards.  Ham and potatoes were served and it smelled soooo good.  I almost took some home to freeze 😉  I drank my water and that satisfied me!  There were also chocolate chip cookies I could have devoured.  They looked so yummy, my son said they were.

Today we have my Uncles wake then his funeral tomorrow.  A sad day, but he lived a beautiful life and enjoyed it very much.

I still have many people daily ask me how they should start fasting. Please do your research first!  That is very important. Read others’ blogs, google it, ask around, talk to your doctor.  Most important do not fast if you are already sick.  Be safe while fasting and really listen to your body.

Be safe on the roads today, freezing rain in WI!

The wake was good.  A ton of people!  It’s so nice to see how much one person was loved and cared about by their community.  It makes you appreciate those in your life that much more.

I have 9 more days left and I am so scared!  To be honest if I could live off of water and a meal or two every now and then I would.  I started to plan my meals for when I start eating again.  A salad in mason jars four nights a week for sure.  I will tell you what I plan on putting in them when I am finished.

I am stoked I have made it this far and thank you for you support!

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Posted by on January 22, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting