Tag Archives: water

Eating: A New Challenge

Good Morning!

I have received so many emails and FB messages wanting more from me. I now have been back from Florida for a week now and it’s time to give in to your addiction to me 😉

Please note, that I have felt that I have nothing more to share with you, that I am done fasting and eating normal so what’s left? What’s left only every meal and snack of the day! I have missed all of you and our support system we have going on. So today I am starting a new challenge!

Eating: A New Challenge

Eating….fasting was so much easier! No good or bad choices to make, no wondering is this good enough, should I be eating more protein, less fats, more fruits, etc. AHHH! It’s a daunting task but I enjoy it and hey, we do need to eat!

So I will be taking photo of everything I put into my mouth! OK, food that is…….Haven’t decided how I’m going to post, if it will be at the end of the day or throughout the day! Trial and error is the way it’s going to be. I will also be posting recipes and such to go along with them. If you have any other suggestions, wants or needs please let me know! This is starting Monday!

I have a ton of work to do as I am putting our house on the Market Monday and my photographer is coming tomorrow to take pictures. Lots, LOTS! to do!

I have gained 15lbs back since my fast ended which is right about where I thought I would be. I still look and feel great. I have not gone back on my depression medication and have felt no need for it. I am planning another fast in July, maybe a two week fast? I have not started working out on a daily basis as I thought I would have started by now….No excuses, I am lazy! It’s really hard getting back in the routine of working out. Going to the gym at 5 am to get your ass kicked….sounds awesome right?

I did make up my salad mason jars though…they were yummy. I bought regular mouth mason jars and not widemouth, so I have to dump-out the salad into a bowl to eat it, silly me!20120224-094330.jpg

Also, I wanted to share with all of you my main website Amazingg Acres Here you can find my fasting diaries, my home for sale and other DIY projects. I hope you enjoy and follow it!


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Posted by on February 24, 2012 in Doing What It Takes!


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Day 23

January 24, 2012

This morning is a not so great morning.  Yesterday after shoveling snow I started to feel sick to my stomach again.  Almost like when you have the flu and you know you need to puke to feel better…..well sick I got.  It wasn’t so bad, but ick nonetheless.

Felt waaaay better afterwards but still took it slow all evening.  I sipped water instead of chugging it. Unfortunately, 2:30am came and I woke feeling bloated and sick.  Went to the bathroom and the toxins came undoubtedly came out.  I sat there for twenty minutes.

During those 20 min while the toxins were on their way out of my body, I started to get really HOT.  So hot you could almost see the steam rise off my body and sweat droplets started to form on my head and arms. Then I felt all the blood leave my face, I looked like a ghost.  It was freaky.  It was more than just the toxins leaving my body though.  I felt as if the devil was in my body and I was flushing him out.  That was the scary part.  I started to pray and I didn’t stop until I regained my strength and could get up.  I’m not going to lie, I was scared.  Really scared.

I have read some blogs where people feel like this and it’s not all energy and positive thoughts.  That there is pain and discomfort throughout their fast.  I am pretty lucky to have felt so good 90% of the time.

Hopefully I stay well today because I have twins that need my full attention! 😉

Well, the rest of the day got better, but I was pretty weak and tired.  I had a few dizzy spells and my stomach hurt most of the day.

I ended up getting a massage and I actually feel 100% better.  My stomach ache is gone and I’m not dizzy.  I didn’t drink very much water today, not even a gallon.  I felt like if I drank I would puke.  So I just stayed away.  After my massage I drank a pint of water and feel great.  Tomorrow should be a great day.  I’m hoping anyway!

So we leave for Florida a few days after my fast, so while down there I will be blogging and recording what I am eating.  I probably won’t be eating much or anything too big, but I am not putting any restrictions on my eating while down there.  I’m sure we will be going out to eat and I will make good choices.  So my two week eating plan will start the week we get back.  I just wanted to let you all know that.  I am really looking forward to the seafood down there.  I will definitely be going to the grocery store and getting fruits, greens and eggs, just to make sure I am consuming good protein and fiber.

I am off to dream land!  Sweet Dreams!

My massage therapist in Juliet from Loose Limbs Massage Therapy.  You can look up Loose Limbs on FB.  She did an awesome job!  I won’t be going anywhere else, ever!

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Posted by on January 24, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 19

Day 19

January 20, 2012

Good Morning!

It’s going to be a wonderful day to start the weekend. Work, then store to get all of my cheese making ingredients! I am super excited about that. I will keep you updated in it as well. It’s amazing to me that I only have 11 days left of ALL water. It actually makes me sad. Like I can do more, I want to do more. But I guess we’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

My son really wants me to eat again. He thinks it’s funny that I am not eating. I made homemade corndogs last night along with baked swordfish steaks and he says, mom their so delicious, just try a little bite, it’s OK Mom! Too cute, but I told him I made a promise to myself and I couldn’t break that promise. He kind of understood.

I found out yesterday that my great Uncle passed away. He died of a heart attack, while shoveling/starting his truck. He was a great man who loved all. Luckily, I just got to see him a before the New Year.

When hearts mourn some turn to God, some turn to food, family, drugs or anything else one may use to comfort themselves. During my fast when things get/were hard I prayed. I will continue this after my fast and hopefully made it a habit to do so for as long as my life shall continue. For me prayer has become very helpful and comforting, just as food use to comfort me. Except now when I am done, I don’t feel guilty or bloated or fat.

I hope this gives you insight and a boost to help you find a new comfort when life gets rough. To find a healthy way of dealing with your emotions; take the weekend to think about it. What do you do when your emotions start to take over your whole self? And, how can you change that? Are you ready to change? I hope to hear about some of your comforts and some of the positive changes you hope to make.

Today a friend sent me this along with a nice message.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6, 7 NIV)

My faith has grown tremendously while fasting.  Prayer plays a huge part in my fast and it’s so nice to hear that God is in some of your lives as well.

Its notes, letters, messages and calls to the people you care about (or just thinking about) that make a difference in ones’ life.  It’s the little things that make people smile and maybe turn a frown upside down 😉

I challenge you this weekend to send a letter, message or call someone that you haven’t talked to for a long time or even someone you’re thankful for and tell them you’re thinking of them and just wanted to say “hi.”

On the way home from work tonight my stomach started to turn….I felt and still feel like throwing up.  Not too sure what that’s about?  But I am slowly drinking some water.  I will be just watching the news and TV for the rest of the evening.  Here in WI the snow is falling and the roads are not good.  So it’s best to just stay inside for movies and good eats, or water 😉

Also, in February my husband and I are taking our son to Florida.  I need to start planning that trip and all the fun stuff were going to do.  We will be in the Ft. Myers area, so if any of you have any suggestions I would love them!

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Posted by on January 20, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 5!

Day 5

January 6, 2012

I am going to ROCK day 5!  I have a lot of energy this morning; it feels like a normal day while eating, but better.  I slept well, still cold but that’s a given.  Since it’s supposed to be warm here in WI, I plan to take 2.5 mile walk.

Thank you all for following my blog and checking back daily to see how I am doing.  The support makes me push even harder, if not for myself but for all of you cheering me on!  My clothes are fitting better and by Monday, I should be down a size.  I have lost 10lbs in 5 days.

*I would like to state that I am not fasting to lose weight*   as I said I have been a yo-yo dieter and eater, I know how to lose weight the right way with diet and exercise.

There are many reasons people to choose fast and yes some do fast for weight loss.  After one is done fast, they will gain back 5-10lbs right away.  About half of this weight is stored in your colon, yup its poop!  Well, I am off to work and will check back later.  Have a great day today!

WOW!  I have so much energy today. I am feeling as though I could run a marathon! Yes, that’s how much energy I have.  I am really spunky and have had a smile on my face since 7am! it really is an awesome feeling.  I did take that 2.5 mile walk, I stopped a few times to take a drink and I could feel my quads and calves burning.  I feel so liberated!

So the rest of my day went great too!  Had funeral, and then of course out to eat with my husband.  I drank water, 🙂 Still have as much energy as I did earlier.  I can’t tell how cool it is that I have this much much energy, with just water in my system, a very cool feeling!  I don’t feel too hungry; it comes and goes like an itch.  As long as I keep myself full of water I am good.

This weekend should be good.  Just need to occupy my time with something positive and rewarding to do when I become bored.

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Posted by on January 6, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 4

Day 4                                                                                                                                                                                    January 5, 2012

It’s day 4!  I have made it four days without eating, who would have thought? I awoke feeling not so myself; just kind of light and weird.  Off to drink lots of water; it does the body good!  I get on FB and see this verse.

Proverbs 5:21: For your ways are in full view of the LORD,
and he examines all your paths.

I find it so cool that when you are in need of a boost or a message, all you have to do is open up and be receptive.  Positive affirmations will fall right into your lap.  Open up to others, even if they are strangers.  They could help you, or better yet, you could help them! ~when you need a boost don’t shut down~

I am noticing this morning that my breath is becoming unpleasant.  Sorry, to those of you who I will be conversing with.  I should make a shirt, Fasting….Be Aware of Bad Breath!

I am an emotional eater.  Have been for a long time and have never seemed to get over that.  I eat when I’m bored, happy, sad, excited, pissed, etc. Every emotion one can have, I eat.

As my son left and my husband was out I sit here and am bored.  All I can think about is food.  The left over mac and cheese, the cheese spread and cheese and sausage, ugh!  I love cheese and nutella, it’s calling me. I am within a miles range of Subway, McDonalds, KFC, and a bagel place….My head just will not stop thinking about food….I made a list of 5 things I could do instead of lying in bed resting.

  1. Donate toys from my sons room
  2. Finish organizing the basement
  3. Take the dog for a walk
  4. Scrapbook
  5. Watch TV

None of which I could get enough energy to do, or I am just being lazy….So, I lie in bed and listen and read about other fasters.  There are so many out there.  It’s nice to know that you’re not the only one and others have felt the same way.  Struggling together is easier than struggling by oneself.

I am cold. I am tired. I just want to sleep.

Day 4 is almost over and I am so glad! Hopefully Day 5 will be better and I will have more energy.

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Posted by on January 5, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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