Tag Archives: jack canfield

Checking In



I have missed you all!  I feel like it’s been forever since blogging and it’s only been a day 🙂

So as I told you before, I would gain about 10lbs back within a week of eating I am half way there.  As of this morning I had gained 5lbs back.  You can’t tell, it’s most likely water weight and waste.

I have been eating like a bird.  I did make chicken noodle soup, but left the noodles out as I want to stay away from carbs. 

I have noticed that the first few times of eating, I can feel the food go through my veins….that’s a pretty cool feeling!  It was like all the goodness from the soup was rushing to nourish my body!  I’m still eating pretty slow and bland things.

I have said this before but this is going to be really hard!  Harder than anything I’ve done in a long time.  Not eating was so easy compared to this.

Jack Canfield (The Success Principals) has an awesome saying, he says: “99% is a bitch. 100% is a breeze.”

That’s what I’m feeling right now…………..

This will get easier!  I will make good decision! This will become a habit!

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Posted by on February 2, 2012 in Doing What It Takes!


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