Tag Archives: depression meds

Day 24

Day 24

January 25, 2012


Its unreal how sleeping makes you feel better.  I love sleeping!  I am definitely a morning person, so I most always wake up early, and I love going to bed early too.  From the moment I wake I am ready to go. I’m all smiles and filled with energy.

I am feeling 100% better than yesterday.  I think my massage really helped!  I may even get another one next week.  Sometimes putting yourself first isn’t so bad.  I am very bad at putting myself first.  But that’s a whole other conversation.  Today do something nice for yourself!

I had a conversation last night with a friend who was really concerned and scared that I am fasting.  She doesn’t understand why I am doing this and thinks it’s really unhealthy.   I tried to console her, to let her know that I am very in tune with my body and am constantly listening to it.  If today I am not feeling well and feel the need to juice I will.  I start everyday as a new day with no expectations.  I would love to make to Day 30, but if I don’t I don’t.  I still succeeded in my book.

She also mentioned asking a doctor about fasting, and I had to laugh!  Most doctors, are going to say fasting is unhealthy….they can’t make any money off fasting.  I have been on depression meds for years; they actually help with will power and food.  Since Day 5 of my fast I have not taken my meds!  This to me is a huge step.  I am feeling great and am not short any will power.  No headaches from not taking my meds.  Our bodies are just amazing how they work.  On a side note; I am still taking my thyroid meds.  I will get my levels checked after Florida and I will let you know what my doctor says.  Most likely she’ll lower my dose.

Have a wonderful Day! And remember, Do something nice for yourself today!

Instead of me watching swimming lessons for 30 min I decided to go in the hot tub for that time. I figured seeing as I got a massage yesterday the warm water would feel good.  And it did!  That was my something nice for me today.  My body is a bit sore from yesterday, kind of feel like I am bruised in a few places.  But that doesn’t surprise, since I started fasting I am bruising easier than normal.  After swimming we stayed for open swim. I love swimming and it’s a great workout! We had fun too!

Also, before swimming my sister stopped by and brought me sun flowers!  That was so nice of her and it made my day!

Crock-pot dinner tonight, chicken and rice. Yummy!  The rice was a bit too done though, it was good and even all the kids ate it.  It’s my Uncle birthday tomorrow or maybe it was today?  Either way I made some scrumptious cupcakes to take to him tomorrow.  Cream Cheese Chocolate Cupcakes from How About Orange  My husband and sister can’t stop talking about them.

6 days left and I am juicing!  Exciting stuff!  I can’t wait to get to the broths and soups.  I have learned to love soup and I am definitely going to go to Takara to get like a gallon of their clear soup.  It so yummy! I have tried to make it at home and have not succeeded yet.  If any of you have the recipe PLEASE share it!


See you on Day 25!


Posted by on January 25, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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