Tag Archives: colon

Day 5!

Day 5

January 6, 2012

I am going to ROCK day 5!  I have a lot of energy this morning; it feels like a normal day while eating, but better.  I slept well, still cold but that’s a given.  Since it’s supposed to be warm here in WI, I plan to take 2.5 mile walk.

Thank you all for following my blog and checking back daily to see how I am doing.  The support makes me push even harder, if not for myself but for all of you cheering me on!  My clothes are fitting better and by Monday, I should be down a size.  I have lost 10lbs in 5 days.

*I would like to state that I am not fasting to lose weight*   as I said I have been a yo-yo dieter and eater, I know how to lose weight the right way with diet and exercise.

There are many reasons people to choose fast and yes some do fast for weight loss.  After one is done fast, they will gain back 5-10lbs right away.  About half of this weight is stored in your colon, yup its poop!  Well, I am off to work and will check back later.  Have a great day today!

WOW!  I have so much energy today. I am feeling as though I could run a marathon! Yes, that’s how much energy I have.  I am really spunky and have had a smile on my face since 7am! it really is an awesome feeling.  I did take that 2.5 mile walk, I stopped a few times to take a drink and I could feel my quads and calves burning.  I feel so liberated!

So the rest of my day went great too!  Had funeral, and then of course out to eat with my husband.  I drank water, 🙂 Still have as much energy as I did earlier.  I can’t tell how cool it is that I have this much much energy, with just water in my system, a very cool feeling!  I don’t feel too hungry; it comes and goes like an itch.  As long as I keep myself full of water I am good.

This weekend should be good.  Just need to occupy my time with something positive and rewarding to do when I become bored.

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Posted by on January 6, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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