Tag Archives: blog

Day 15! ~Half Way There~

Day 15! ~Half Way There~

January 16, 2012

Half way there feels so good!  Its unreal I have come this far, feeling fantastic almost the whole time too. That’s unheard of.  They say the water fast is the hardest to do and most people do not succeed.  I am so proud of myself and thankful for all you who read my blog daily and keep me going.  Your comments, questions and emails give me strength and support to keep on going! Thank You!

I have learned so much fasting in two weeks I am excited to see what I will be learning in the next 15 days.  It has come to my attention that my family eats out waaay more then we should.  Other people’s addictions are very noticeable to me.  Let’s have a gathering without food!  What would we do then?

I have lost 22lbs since I started; I had to dig out all of my old cloths, (good thing I saved them).  I did donate all of my “bigger” cloths to Goodwill.  I also gave away a lot of cloths that I only wore a few times or that were too small and I was never going to be that small, not because I can’t, just because I don’t want to be.

So yesterday Mother Nature brought aunt flow to visit…..I know, not really what anyone wants to know or hear.  But this is my journal and record keeping so I am able to compare on my next fast.  I was unsure if I should stop or not because essentially ones losing blood and while fasting that can’t that great for you.  Well I did my research and I am going to keep going until Day 30.  Everything I read, unless for religious purposes, stated that it’s ok.  My cravings would be bigger and normal pains that were related to it will still come and go.

I have felt a bit weak today and I did get dizzy getting up once.  So while the kids are napping, I will be just taking it easy on the couch.  I found a great website for those of you who want to fast to lose weight or just fast in general  A great website filled with a ton of info.  My breath still is disgusting and the worst part about fasting is that I can’t have any gum.  I went from chewing 1 pack every few days to none at all.  I really like gum.  So, I deal with the stinky breath and brush my teeth 3x times a day.

On Day 20, I will be deciding whether or not I want to continue water fasting or start juice fasting.  To get back on a regular diet you should juice for three days, then move on to soups then light and healthy solids.  I’ll keep you posted on what I decide.

This afternoon was pretty low key, besides for making dinner.  I had a few more dizzy spells and just feel weak in general.  I started getting a headache and just downed some water.  It went away, but going to bed early.  Hopefully I will be feeling much better tomorrow.  I haven’t had any cramps, (knock on wood) but being bloated has set in.  I was very careful tonight and really keyed into what my body was telling me.  Sometimes, just taking a few minutes with your eyes closed and deep breaths is very good for you, even if you’re not fasting.

I made a scrumptious meal this evening that consisted of parmesan crusted pork chops and crack potatoes.  You can find them both on my Pinterest. I saved and froze a bit for myself when I m done fasting!  Even my 5 year old ate it and he’s not a meat eater, he said, “Wow Mom, this is delicious!” I made a few extra to take to my Grandparents as well.  We traded a meal for a dish of ice cream for the little one!  It was smiles on everyone!

Have a great night!

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Posted by on January 16, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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Day 5!

Day 5

January 6, 2012

I am going to ROCK day 5!  I have a lot of energy this morning; it feels like a normal day while eating, but better.  I slept well, still cold but that’s a given.  Since it’s supposed to be warm here in WI, I plan to take 2.5 mile walk.

Thank you all for following my blog and checking back daily to see how I am doing.  The support makes me push even harder, if not for myself but for all of you cheering me on!  My clothes are fitting better and by Monday, I should be down a size.  I have lost 10lbs in 5 days.

*I would like to state that I am not fasting to lose weight*   as I said I have been a yo-yo dieter and eater, I know how to lose weight the right way with diet and exercise.

There are many reasons people to choose fast and yes some do fast for weight loss.  After one is done fast, they will gain back 5-10lbs right away.  About half of this weight is stored in your colon, yup its poop!  Well, I am off to work and will check back later.  Have a great day today!

WOW!  I have so much energy today. I am feeling as though I could run a marathon! Yes, that’s how much energy I have.  I am really spunky and have had a smile on my face since 7am! it really is an awesome feeling.  I did take that 2.5 mile walk, I stopped a few times to take a drink and I could feel my quads and calves burning.  I feel so liberated!

So the rest of my day went great too!  Had funeral, and then of course out to eat with my husband.  I drank water, 🙂 Still have as much energy as I did earlier.  I can’t tell how cool it is that I have this much much energy, with just water in my system, a very cool feeling!  I don’t feel too hungry; it comes and goes like an itch.  As long as I keep myself full of water I am good.

This weekend should be good.  Just need to occupy my time with something positive and rewarding to do when I become bored.

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Posted by on January 6, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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