What I’m eating NOW!

10 Feb

I am on my 5th day of our 11 day vacation!  It’s going by super fast and we are having a great time.

I am eating well and still drinking about 2 gallons of water.  I have gained about 15 pounds back, so not quite half of the 34 pounds. On to what I am eating…For dinner I always eat a salad before any meat and or side dish. My salads consist of organic spinach and very with toppings; strawberries, walnuts, cran-raisons, boiled eggs and few other things.  I don’t add too much salad dressing, I put a teaspoon or two on my plate, then dip my fork in the dressing before stabbing the spinach and other goodness.

Breakfast has normally consisted of eggs.  One morning I did have Honey Nut Cheerios, to be honest I used to love cereal, now I could go without it.  I like eggs much better!

Lunch has been more carb filled than I would have liked.  I have been eating more sandwiches than anything.  Not a very good choice on my part, but I have been packing them to go to the beach and outings.

Been snacking on green grapes, strawberries, raw nuts, bananas and the occasional cheetos and fritos, occasional!

Hope you are all doing well.  Sorry I am not posting so daily.  I will get back to the grind in a week.  I also have some great news to share with you when I get back.

There are some beautiful views here and we are having some much needed family time.  Our son is thriving here and loving being on vacation.

We surprised him with our Florida vacation.  We told him we were going to look at a dirt bike in IL. Once we got to the airport, we told him that this is where we were meeting the guy with the bike.  he was actually excited about seeing the new bike. As I opened the back of the truck he saw all of our luggage and got this enormous smile and asked if we were going on a vacation 🙂

This was his first time riding a on an airplane and going to Fl.

He’s having a BLAST!

1 Comment

Posted by on February 10, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


One response to “What I’m eating NOW!

  1. Jessica

    February 10, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    YAY, I’m so happy you guys are having an amazing time! Thats an awesome way to surprise Callaway! And what is this good news?? I have something in mind but we will see. 🙂


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