Monthly Archives: February 2012

Eating: A New Challenge

Good Morning!

I have received so many emails and FB messages wanting more from me. I now have been back from Florida for a week now and it’s time to give in to your addiction to me 😉

Please note, that I have felt that I have nothing more to share with you, that I am done fasting and eating normal so what’s left? What’s left only every meal and snack of the day! I have missed all of you and our support system we have going on. So today I am starting a new challenge!

Eating: A New Challenge

Eating….fasting was so much easier! No good or bad choices to make, no wondering is this good enough, should I be eating more protein, less fats, more fruits, etc. AHHH! It’s a daunting task but I enjoy it and hey, we do need to eat!

So I will be taking photo of everything I put into my mouth! OK, food that is…….Haven’t decided how I’m going to post, if it will be at the end of the day or throughout the day! Trial and error is the way it’s going to be. I will also be posting recipes and such to go along with them. If you have any other suggestions, wants or needs please let me know! This is starting Monday!

I have a ton of work to do as I am putting our house on the Market Monday and my photographer is coming tomorrow to take pictures. Lots, LOTS! to do!

I have gained 15lbs back since my fast ended which is right about where I thought I would be. I still look and feel great. I have not gone back on my depression medication and have felt no need for it. I am planning another fast in July, maybe a two week fast? I have not started working out on a daily basis as I thought I would have started by now….No excuses, I am lazy! It’s really hard getting back in the routine of working out. Going to the gym at 5 am to get your ass kicked….sounds awesome right?

I did make up my salad mason jars though…they were yummy. I bought regular mouth mason jars and not widemouth, so I have to dump-out the salad into a bowl to eat it, silly me!20120224-094330.jpg

Also, I wanted to share with all of you my main website Amazingg Acres Here you can find my fasting diaries, my home for sale and other DIY projects. I hope you enjoy and follow it!


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Posted by on February 24, 2012 in Doing What It Takes!


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What I’m eating NOW!

I am on my 5th day of our 11 day vacation!  It’s going by super fast and we are having a great time.

I am eating well and still drinking about 2 gallons of water.  I have gained about 15 pounds back, so not quite half of the 34 pounds. On to what I am eating…For dinner I always eat a salad before any meat and or side dish. My salads consist of organic spinach and very with toppings; strawberries, walnuts, cran-raisons, boiled eggs and few other things.  I don’t add too much salad dressing, I put a teaspoon or two on my plate, then dip my fork in the dressing before stabbing the spinach and other goodness.

Breakfast has normally consisted of eggs.  One morning I did have Honey Nut Cheerios, to be honest I used to love cereal, now I could go without it.  I like eggs much better!

Lunch has been more carb filled than I would have liked.  I have been eating more sandwiches than anything.  Not a very good choice on my part, but I have been packing them to go to the beach and outings.

Been snacking on green grapes, strawberries, raw nuts, bananas and the occasional cheetos and fritos, occasional!

Hope you are all doing well.  Sorry I am not posting so daily.  I will get back to the grind in a week.  I also have some great news to share with you when I get back.

There are some beautiful views here and we are having some much needed family time.  Our son is thriving here and loving being on vacation.

We surprised him with our Florida vacation.  We told him we were going to look at a dirt bike in IL. Once we got to the airport, we told him that this is where we were meeting the guy with the bike.  he was actually excited about seeing the new bike. As I opened the back of the truck he saw all of our luggage and got this enormous smile and asked if we were going on a vacation 🙂

This was his first time riding a on an airplane and going to Fl.

He’s having a BLAST!

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Posted by on February 10, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


Checking In



I have missed you all!  I feel like it’s been forever since blogging and it’s only been a day 🙂

So as I told you before, I would gain about 10lbs back within a week of eating I am half way there.  As of this morning I had gained 5lbs back.  You can’t tell, it’s most likely water weight and waste.

I have been eating like a bird.  I did make chicken noodle soup, but left the noodles out as I want to stay away from carbs. 

I have noticed that the first few times of eating, I can feel the food go through my veins….that’s a pretty cool feeling!  It was like all the goodness from the soup was rushing to nourish my body!  I’m still eating pretty slow and bland things.

I have said this before but this is going to be really hard!  Harder than anything I’ve done in a long time.  Not eating was so easy compared to this.

Jack Canfield (The Success Principals) has an awesome saying, he says: “99% is a bitch. 100% is a breeze.”

That’s what I’m feeling right now…………..

This will get easier!  I will make good decision! This will become a habit!

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Posted by on February 2, 2012 in Doing What It Takes!


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My First Meal after 30 Days of Water

~ The Hard Stuff Begins ~

Dinner last night was AMAZING!  It was an awesome night, it couldn’t have been better.  Clear soup was a great decision and the sushi was delicious too.  I started out trying new things and I actually liked them!  That was exciting super for me!  I tried the ginger dressing, which was yummy!  I also tried the wasabi in soy sauce and just a wasabi by itself!  I can def. go without wasabi, but glad I tried it.

While I was eating I felt as though I hadn’t eaten for a month and was rushing through my food.  It was all going down really fast, and in my head I felt like I was a scavenger and couldn’t get enough….in reality I was eating  v e r y,  v  e  r  y,  s   l   o   w    l   y.  My sister was done with her food before I got my second piece of sushi to my mouth.  It was really weird, because I thought I was eating really fast 🙂

I also thought I would get a stomach ache or feel uncomfortable, but I didn’t I felt fine.  Great!  I ordered a to-go soup for today and will be making chicken noodle soup.  Need to find a good rice noodle recipe.  Or GF noodle.  If you know of any I’d love to know.

I will be posting a before and after in a couple of hours.  Have to get to swimming lessons!  I also have a video, if I can figure out how to get that uploaded for you.

Have a fabulous day!

OK….Here it is!  What you’ve all been waiting for….My before and after shots!

Like I said yesterday, I do not promote anorexia, and fasting and anorexia are two different things.

I lost a total of 34 pounds and plan to continue to lose weight by eating right and exercising.


Posted by on February 1, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting