Day 26

27 Jan

Day 26

Happy Friday!

I love weekends, but who doesn’t?  It has been a great day so far! I plan on making my cheese tonight, I am so pumped.  It should stay good long enough so I can try it.  I may try to freeze some and see how that works.  Homemade pizza is on the menu for Sunday night.

While fasting I’ve learned?

The biggest thing I have learned about myself is I have WILLPOWER!  I have never had (or thought I had) willpower and always gave in when it came to food.  I have not eaten for 26 days. I have lost 32 pounds and lost 4 dress sizes.  I have to be honest this was/is the best part so far about my fast.  Though I will gain at least 10lbs back, I plan to eat healthy and workout daily.  I will post my workout plan next Wednesday.

I have been a yo-yo dieter for many years.  I have been over weight for 6 years.  Off and on and off and on.  I lose the weight by working out and making good food choices then I get to my ideal weight or size of clothes I want to be in, then I am happy and am loving my body.  About a month or two later I just start to eat whatever I want and stop working out….and down the drain my good habits and gym going go and on come the pounds.  This has been going on since my son was born in 2006.

My hope after I fast is I stick with good and healthy daily habits.  It WILL be a struggle, but if I cannot eat for 26 days (as of today) then I CAN do anything!

I really want to eat!  BAD! Not sure what I am going to do.  I really want clear soup.  I’m hungry, but not like starving…It’s weird.  I’m not sure what is going on.  I feel good, but I just want to eat again.  I want salad and soups and eggs!  BIG SMILE!  I seriously don’t know what’s going on in my head!

I think I just need to go to bed….Maybe soup tomorrow?  Maybe not!

I feel like I have almost 3 more days left and I should just stick it out, but who am I sticking it out for?  This fast was not a challenge to make it to 30 Days, just to go as long as I could.  The point of the fast was/is to change the way I feel and think and eat food.

Oh what to do?  I’m still feeling good with energy, just want to eat NOW! J

I guess we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

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Posted by on January 27, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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