Day 23

24 Jan

January 24, 2012

This morning is a not so great morning.  Yesterday after shoveling snow I started to feel sick to my stomach again.  Almost like when you have the flu and you know you need to puke to feel better…..well sick I got.  It wasn’t so bad, but ick nonetheless.

Felt waaaay better afterwards but still took it slow all evening.  I sipped water instead of chugging it. Unfortunately, 2:30am came and I woke feeling bloated and sick.  Went to the bathroom and the toxins came undoubtedly came out.  I sat there for twenty minutes.

During those 20 min while the toxins were on their way out of my body, I started to get really HOT.  So hot you could almost see the steam rise off my body and sweat droplets started to form on my head and arms. Then I felt all the blood leave my face, I looked like a ghost.  It was freaky.  It was more than just the toxins leaving my body though.  I felt as if the devil was in my body and I was flushing him out.  That was the scary part.  I started to pray and I didn’t stop until I regained my strength and could get up.  I’m not going to lie, I was scared.  Really scared.

I have read some blogs where people feel like this and it’s not all energy and positive thoughts.  That there is pain and discomfort throughout their fast.  I am pretty lucky to have felt so good 90% of the time.

Hopefully I stay well today because I have twins that need my full attention! 😉

Well, the rest of the day got better, but I was pretty weak and tired.  I had a few dizzy spells and my stomach hurt most of the day.

I ended up getting a massage and I actually feel 100% better.  My stomach ache is gone and I’m not dizzy.  I didn’t drink very much water today, not even a gallon.  I felt like if I drank I would puke.  So I just stayed away.  After my massage I drank a pint of water and feel great.  Tomorrow should be a great day.  I’m hoping anyway!

So we leave for Florida a few days after my fast, so while down there I will be blogging and recording what I am eating.  I probably won’t be eating much or anything too big, but I am not putting any restrictions on my eating while down there.  I’m sure we will be going out to eat and I will make good choices.  So my two week eating plan will start the week we get back.  I just wanted to let you all know that.  I am really looking forward to the seafood down there.  I will definitely be going to the grocery store and getting fruits, greens and eggs, just to make sure I am consuming good protein and fiber.

I am off to dream land!  Sweet Dreams!

My massage therapist in Juliet from Loose Limbs Massage Therapy.  You can look up Loose Limbs on FB.  She did an awesome job!  I won’t be going anywhere else, ever!

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Posted by on January 24, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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