Day 22

23 Jan

Day 22

January 23, 2012

Good Morning!

Hope you all made it into work or school this morning. The roads are slick here in WI. Meal planning, exercise planning and packing for Florida today is on my agenda.

I am excited to share with you my meal plan. I think I am more excited that I have an eating plan than eating. :-)That will eventually change. I plan on training with my sister, she is a personal trainer, and so a few times a week she will be kicking my ass. I’m not so excited for that; but I do like working out.

I plan to workout today, maybe some yoga or just shoveling the ice off the driveway, something active at least. We may be going to play hockey tonight, so that should be interesting as well. Feeling awesome this morning.

I am ready to rock today and get everything done by 1pm. Let’s see if I can do that!

Have a great day!


Breakfast Choices:

                Steel Cut Oats w/flax seed ~raisons, cashews, walnuts, pecans, honey

Cottage Cheese with berries and sugar snap peas

Eggs 2-3 ~ hard boiled or poached

Lunch Choices:

                Spinach salad & hearts of romaine ~ egg, cheese, carrots, sugar snap peas, black olives, chicken, shrimp, imitation crab, sun flower seeds, cottage cheese, cucumbers

Chicken ~ in a wrap with spinach, veggies, cheese



                Spinach salad ~ see Lunch

Chicken, fish, seafood, eggs

Jasmine rice, brown rice, rice noodles, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes



Raw fruits and veggies, almonds, walnuts, pecans, etc.


Only water

Things To Avoid:

                Pastas, bread, sugar, chocolate, wine,

*with the exception of a tortilla, but I will try corn tortillas




Posted by on January 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


3 responses to “Day 22

  1. Maria

    January 24, 2012 at 6:26 am

    Food plan looks great. I have found some corn tortilla that are pretty good & I’ve been able to use them as wraps. Another item to avoid might be certain salad dressings. You’re so good at cooking you could whip one up that you like & that is healthy.

  2. Cathi

    January 24, 2012 at 8:23 am

    What no WINE, I Couldn’t survive:-)

  3. Sue Miller

    January 25, 2012 at 9:53 am

    Hey Justine,
    Thanks for sharing your journey. I noticed you’re mostly gluten free in your meal plans. If that is intentional you’ll need to avoid imitation crab – it typically has modified food starch or wheat in it. Congratulations on your progress.


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