Day 21

22 Jan

Day 21

January 22, 2012

Good Morning!

I barely got my 7 hours of rest last night, didn’t get to sleep until after 12.  That’s the latest I’ve stayed up in a long time.  We had an awesome time at Pedros for my soon to be sister-in-law’s golden birthday.  She turned 22!  The chips were tempting; I love crunchy salty chips with cheese dip.  I could almost taste the salt on my tongue.

Next, we headed on over to my Aunts house for dinner and cards.  Ham and potatoes were served and it smelled soooo good.  I almost took some home to freeze 😉  I drank my water and that satisfied me!  There were also chocolate chip cookies I could have devoured.  They looked so yummy, my son said they were.

Today we have my Uncles wake then his funeral tomorrow.  A sad day, but he lived a beautiful life and enjoyed it very much.

I still have many people daily ask me how they should start fasting. Please do your research first!  That is very important. Read others’ blogs, google it, ask around, talk to your doctor.  Most important do not fast if you are already sick.  Be safe while fasting and really listen to your body.

Be safe on the roads today, freezing rain in WI!

The wake was good.  A ton of people!  It’s so nice to see how much one person was loved and cared about by their community.  It makes you appreciate those in your life that much more.

I have 9 more days left and I am so scared!  To be honest if I could live off of water and a meal or two every now and then I would.  I started to plan my meals for when I start eating again.  A salad in mason jars four nights a week for sure.  I will tell you what I plan on putting in them when I am finished.

I am stoked I have made it this far and thank you for you support!

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Posted by on January 22, 2012 in 30 Days of Fasting


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